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I am ERASMUSM student and I need??? создатель Mind Map: I am ERASMUSM student and I need???

1. Transport

1.1. Tram

1.2. Bus

1.3. Train

1.4. Plane

2. Study

2.1. Different Language

2.2. Differente Subjects

2.3. Methodology

2.4. Period Examination

2.4.1. Exams

3. Responsability

3.1. Home

3.2. School

3.3. Personal

4. Accomodation

4.1. Hotel

4.2. Residence

5. Free Times

5.1. Cinema

5.2. Sports

5.3. Night Life

5.4. Trips

6. Informations About City

6.1. Culture

6.2. Language

6.3. Location

6.4. Weather

6.5. Job Oportunity

6.5.1. Part Time

6.5.2. Full Time