Should You Clone Your Pet?

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Should You Clone Your Pet? by Mind Map: Should You Clone Your Pet?

1. Your clone will look exactly like your old pet and you will have your own pet back!

2. Its Not Just for pets! people are cloning endangered species to save their population!

3. Scientists use the cells of your pet and place them in a female dog or cat that will give birth to your pet again.

4. Ever have a dog or cat you love and had for years but sadly its gone? well Now you can clone to get you pet back!

5. Cloning is now possible and many people have cloned their dog or cat By using their DNA.

6. Yes, it may be expensive but your pets are important and deserve to be alive again.

7. People get dna from say, and endangered frog and put it in multiple female frogs that will lay eggs thus, more frogs.