Deep Venous Thrombus

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Deep Venous Thrombus by Mind Map: Deep Venous Thrombus

1. Pathophysiology Accumulation of clotting factors and platelets in the vein, causing a thrombus. Inflammation around the thrombus then causes further platelet aggregation making the thrombus larger. May progress into PE.

2. Epidemiology Affects about 300,000–600,000 Americans each year

3. Diagnosis Serum D-dimer measurement and Doppler sonography

4. Treatment Ambulate regularly, using pneumatic devises, combined with anticoagulation therapy

5. Clinical presentation Typically aysymptomatic, however, edema, tenderness and warmth on the affected limb may be presented. In PE, unexplained shortness of breath, rapid breathing, chest pain, increased HR, syncope.