Establishing realistic goals

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Establishing realistic goals by Mind Map: Establishing realistic goals

1. Language analysis or language use as course goals

1.1. What is the focus of language analysis?

1.2. What is the focus of language use?

1.3. What is the objective now?

1.4. What is the problematic area?

2. In an EFL setting

2.1. What is EFL?

2.2. What are the terminal goals of the program?

2.3. What to do to get to the goals?

3. In an ESL setting

3.1. What is ESL?

3.2. What to expect from ESL?

3.3. What to do to get to the goals?

4. Planning for courses outside the school system

4.1. What are the objectives?

4.2. What do the student get after finishing the course?