Digital Formative Assessment Tools

Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Digital Formative Assessment Tools создатель Mind Map: Digital Formative Assessment Tools

1. Google Stuff

1.1. Google Forms

1.2. Flubaroo

1.3. Doctopus & Goobric

1.4. Google Keep

1.5. Google Drawing

2. Audio & Video

2.1. VoiceThread

2.2. YouTube

2.3. SeeSaw

2.4. PlayPosit

3. Quick & Easy Web Apps

3.1. Kahoot

3.2. Quizlet

3.3. Socrative

3.4. Answer Garden

3.5. GoFormative

3.6. Padlet

4. Advanced Assessment Tools

4.1. Kaizena

4.2. Edulastic

4.3. NearPod

4.4. Peardeck

4.5. ActivelyLearn