Daniel's Technology tools

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Daniel's Technology tools by Mind Map: Daniel's Technology tools

1. Tackk

1.1. You can add pictures and videos.

1.2. There are many fonts and color options available.

1.3. https://tackk.com/m6aj22

2. Google draw

2.1. You can make a drawing of your face by outlining a picture of your face.

2.2. it is easy and fun to do.

2.3. The end result can be really cool if you take your time.

3. Padlet

3.1. You and others can work together to make one.

3.2. Teachers could use it to collect info from students.

3.3. It is easy to add text boxes.

4. Safari Montage

4.1. It has a lot of videos and documentaries, although some are a bit dated.

4.2. There are many topics.

4.3. It is hard to navigate the site.

5. Pixton

5.1. You can make a comic using it.

5.2. You can customize the characters clothes, poses, and expressions.

5.3. https://Pixton.com/ic:8e59j3qc

6. Sutori

6.1. You can make a timeline using it

6.2. It is easy to use.

6.2.1. You can add photos.

7. Thinglink

7.1. You can put information points on an image.

7.2. https://www.thinglink.com/scene/825355306505601024

7.3. There is a lot of customization for the info points.

8. Glogster

8.1. You can make poster for things using it.

8.2. It is fairly easy to use and there are a bunch of customization options.

8.3. It is kind of hard to put add videos.

9. Paper Slides

9.1. You can write or draw anything that you want.

9.2. No limit to what you can do.

9.3. like a Google slides or Powerpoint but with paper.

10. Mind Meister

10.1. It is easy to use.

10.2. You can add faces.

10.3. You can change text and bubble color and also change font size.