Complex Numbers and Roots, Multiple representations of functions

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Complex Numbers and Roots, Multiple representations of functions by Mind Map: Complex Numbers and Roots, Multiple representations of functions

1. Each represntation of a function ( words, equation, table, or graph) describes the same relationship, you can often use any represntation to generate the others.

2. You solve quadratic equations with complex roots by using Imaginary unit and complex numbers. You solve multiple representations of functions by creating a table then write an equation, find the intercepts and graph the equation.

3. There are 3 steps to multiple representions of functions. Step 1: create a table, Step 2: Write an equation, and Step 3: find the intercepts and graph equation.

4. Imaginary unit means whenever there is a negative there will be an i

5. Complex number is written in form a+bi, and a is the real part and b is the imaginary part.