Quality Pioneers

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Quality Pioneers by Mind Map: Quality Pioneers

1. W. Edwars Deming

1.1. The Demin cycle

1.2. Deming’s Fourteen Points

1.3. Deming’s Seven Deadly Diseases

2. Joseph M. Muran

2.1. Juran’s Three Basic Steps to Progress

2.2. Juran’s Ten Steps to Quality Improvement

2.3. Juran’s Quality Trilogy

3. Ishikawa

3.1. Fishbone Diagram

3.2. Guide to Quality Control

3.3. Seven Basic Qulity Tools

4. Crosby

4.1. Zero Defects

4.2. 14 Steps to Quality Improvement

5. Taguchi

5.1. specific loss function

5.2. The philosophy of off-line quality control

5.3. Design of experiments

6. Ouchi

6.1. Theory Z

6.2. The M Form Society

6.3. Japanese Managment

7. Feingenbaum

7.1. Quality must be defined in terms of customer satisfaction.

8. Shewart

8.1. paper on industrial quality