Module 6 Inventory

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Module 6 Inventory by Mind Map: Module 6 Inventory

1. 6.10 To go further

1.1. Food for thoughts

1.2. Discussion

2. 6.9 Exercises

2.1. Exercises

2.1.1. Reducing the Lead time

2.1.2. Moving to a remote supplier (Pipeline/Cycle/Safety/Anticipation Stocks) (total cost due to stock)

3. 6.8 Conclusion

3.1. A. Conclusion on Inventory Management

3.1.1. Conclusion on Inventory Management

3.2. B. What to keep in mind?

3.2.1. Summary

4. 6.7 How to reduce/manage Anticipation Stock?

4.1. Reduce Anticipation Stock

5. 6.6 How to reduce/manage Safety Stock?

5.1. Your job in 6.6

5.2. A. Avoid Uncertainties

5.2.1. Avoid Uncertainties

5.3. B. Live with Uncertainties

5.3.1. Live with Uncertainties

6. 6.5 How to reduce/manage Cycle Stock?

6.1. Your job in 6.5

6.2. A. How to distinguish among CS, SS and AS?

6.2.1. Identifiy the type of stock

6.3. B. Avoid Fixed Costs

6.3.1. Avoid Fixed Costs

6.4. C. Live with Fixed Costs

6.4.1. Live with Fixed Costs

7. 6.4 How to reduce Pipeline Stock?

7.1. Reduce Pipeline Stock

8. 6.3 Holding Invetory Costs!

8.1. Your job in 6.3

8.2. A. The two main components of inventory costs

8.2.1. Cost for holding inventory

8.2.2. Explanation: Inventory costs

8.2.3. Inventory Costs and EVA

8.3. B. A very simple numerical example

8.3.1. A 12-€ company

8.4. C. One month costs 2%

8.4.1. One month costs 2%

8.5. D. Global assessment of inventory

8.5.1. Supply Chain Inventory picture

8.6. E. Exercise: Is the inventory I have too costly ?

8.6.1. Explanation: Method

8.6.2. 30 days of Inventory

8.6.3. Assess inventory for Product A

8.6.4. Assess inventory for Product B

9. 6.2 Reasons and Typology of Stocks

9.1. Your job in 6.2

9.2. A. Economies of scale and Cycle Stock

9.2.1. Cycle Stock

9.3. B. Uncertainty and Safety Stock

9.3.1. Safety Stock

9.4. C. Known coming events and Anticipation Stock

9.4.1. Anticipation Stock

9.5. D. Work in progress and Pipeline Stock

9.5.1. Pipeline Stock

9.6. E. Summary of the 4 stock types

9.6.1. Summary of stock types

9.6.2. A table that shows all 4 types

9.7. F. Exercise: The banknotes in my wallet

9.7.1. Dropdown

10. 6.1 Why we keep inventory?

10.1. Your job in 6.1

10.2. A. Inventory in the Supply chain

10.2.1. Inventory in the Supply Chain

10.3. B. Why do we have food on our shelves?

10.3.1. Why do you have food on your shelves?

10.3.2. Warm-up exercise: Food inventory at home

10.4. C. Some of the reasons...

10.4.1. Some reasons why we have food on our shelves

11. 6.0 Overview Module 6

11.1. Mindmap

11.2. Learning Objectives