1. Buyer Decision for new product
1.1. Stages in the adoption process
1.1.1. Awareness The cnsumer becoes aware of the new product, but lacks information about it
1.1.2. Interest The consumer seeks information about the new product
1.1.3. Evaluation The consumer considers whether trying the new product makes sense
1.1.4. Trial The consumer tries the new produt on a small scale to improve his or her estimate of its value
1.1.5. Adoption The consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new product
2. Buyer Decision Process
2.1. Need recognition
2.2. Search
2.3. Information sources
2.4. Purchase
2.5. Search
2.6. Alternative Evaluation
2.7. Purchase Decision
2.8. Information sources
2.9. Alternative Evaluation
2.10. Post-purchase
2.11. Post-purchase behaviour
2.12. Cognitive Dissonance
2.13. Cognitive Dissonance
2.14. Customer satisfaction
3. Influence of product characteristics on rate of adoption
3.1. Divisibility
3.1.1. The degree to which the innovation may be tried on a limited basis
3.2. Communicability
3.2.1. The degree to which the results of using the innovation can be observed or described to others
4. Consumer Behaviour
4.1. is the buying behaviour of final consumers, individuals and households, who buy goods and services for personal consumption
4.2. Consumer's black box
4.2.1. buyer's characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reacts to the stimli
4.2.2. buyer's decision process itself affects the buyer's behaviour
5. Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behaviour
5.1. Cultural
5.1.1. Culture
5.1.2. Subculture
5.1.3. Social class
5.2. Social
5.2.1. Reference groups
5.2.2. Family
5.2.3. Roles and status
5.3. Personal
5.4. Psychological
5.4.1. Motivation
5.4.2. Perception
5.4.3. Learning
5.4.4. Benefits and attitudes