The American Revolution

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The American Revolution by Mind Map: The American Revolution

1. George Washington

1.1. Background

1.1.1. Wealthy

1.1.2. Soldier, used to be loyal to British

1.1.3. Virginian farmer

1.1.4. Commander in chief of American army

1.2. Declaration of Independence

1.2.1. 4 July 1776

1.2.2. Not yet won

1.2.3. Lost at New York

1.2.4. Won at New Jersey

1.3. Valley Forge

1.3.1. Forced to spend winter here

1.3.2. Same time, Saratoga victory, French watching

1.3.3. Many men died here

1.3.4. Tough, trained soldiers left

1.4. Battle of Yorktown

1.4.1. Americans won war

1.4.2. Why? Washington's leadership French aid Distance from Britain

2. After the victory

2.1. Treaty of Paris

2.1.1. British recognised American Independence

2.1.2. Last troops left New York 1783

2.2. The US Constitution

2.2.1. Republic

2.2.2. State has control over matters i.e. Education

2.2.3. Major issues like foreign affairs decided by central government at capital

2.2.4. Democracy -people vote

2.3. President Washington

2.3.1. Served two terms (8 years)

2.3.2. Retired to farm

2.3.3. Died 2 years later

3. Consequences

3.1. Declaration of Independence copied, inspired others to defeat mighty empires

3.2. First ever constitution

3.3. Democracy idea brought back to France

3.4. Bankrupted French King

4. What was life like in the British Colonies of America?

4.1. Thirteen colonies, set up by

4.1.1. People seeking religious freedom

4.1.2. Conquered Dutch colonies

4.1.3. Came from Britain, Germany, Ireland

4.1.4. Irish settlers mainly Ulster Protestants

4.2. Treated badly

4.2.1. Slaves

4.2.2. Native Americans

4.3. Governed by

4.3.1. Elected assembly

4.3.2. Governor from King

5. Causes of American War of Indepence

5.1. The Stamp Act

5.1.1. For British army to keep troops in America

5.1.2. On official documents I.e. Wills

5.1.3. "No taxation without representation"

5.1.4. Stamp Act Congress

5.2. The Boston Massacre

5.2.1. Townshend acts Replaced Stamp Duty Duties on imported goods

5.2.2. Americans refuse to buy British

5.2.3. Smuggle goods - Boston important

5.2.4. Poor soldier-citizen relationship in Boston

5.2.5. Mob of 50 attack troop

5.2.6. Snowballs and stones answered with gunfire

5.2.7. 5 killed

5.2.8. Americans outraged - patriots start

5.2.9. British take tax off all but tea, Americans refuse to buy tea

5.3. The Boston Tea Party

5.3.1. British cut tea price - still taxed

5.3.2. Men dressed as Native Americans

5.3.3. ^ throw tea overboard

5.3.4. British outraged, series of laws

5.4. The First Continental Congress

5.4.1. Worried Americans, called laws passed by British "intolerable acts"

5.4.2. Work together to protect freedom

5.4.3. Called on Americans to not buy British

5.5. The Battle of Lexington

5.5.1. Minutemen

5.5.2. Gage worried

5.5.3. Shots fired in Lexington, then Concord