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Utopia- Thomas More by Mind Map: Utopia- Thomas More

1. Christian Synthesis

1.1. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is Christ's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden

1.2. More wrote Utopia with a comedic tone, allowing him to speak his truth while telling a deeper story

1.3. The Platonic, Republic tradition is the Greek aspect of the synthesis

2. overview

2.1. Thomas Moores Utopia is a humanist view of an ideal society

2.2. More does not simply offer a theoretical view, but provides specifics for how to create this world

2.3. Utopia offers a Christianized form of Platos Republic

3. Human and Parody

3.1. Utopia means nowhere

3.2. The local political system is called a sty

4. Property Divison

4.1. No private ownership of land or houses.

4.2. This allows for even distribution of land and their residents.

5. Working Life

5.1. Everyone is required work in agriculture for two years

5.2. Men and women do the same work, all able bodied people are required to work

5.3. Everyone is required to learn a second trade aside from their primary job

6. Slavery

6.1. There are two slaves per houshold

6.2. Slaves tied down by gold chains to make us dislike gold

6.3. Slaves are released for good behavior

7. Government

7.1. free wellfare state

7.2. free hospitals

7.3. tolerance of religions

7.4. travel allowed by internal passport

8. Search for Hapiness

8.1. to find hapiness in the utopia one must follow the laws instilled in the society and not falter in executing them without a doubt in their head