Alexandra Crompton Year 3 - 'Are We There Yet?' by Alison Lester

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Alexandra Crompton Year 3 - 'Are We There Yet?' by Alison Lester by Mind Map: Alexandra Crompton     Year 3 - 'Are We There Yet?' by Alison Lester

1. Mathematics

1.1. Stories through mapping; calculate using measuring skills involved in mapping

1.1.1. Coordinates and Mapping Students use coordinates from Google Maps and Google Earth to pin point and locate the places that Grace and her family visited

1.1.2. Calculate the distance between different places Identify the different places Grace and her family visited. Is there a way to calculate the distance they travelled? Go on a class journey throughout the school, calculate the total distance travelled Students identify their home and school on a map, calculate the distance from home to school

1.2. Distances

1.2.1. Develop an understanding of kilometres, metres, centimetres Students go on a class walk/journey to different areas of the school. How can distance be measured? How many km's, m's, cm's?

2. The Arts

2.1. Visual Literacy

2.1.1. Looking at the landscape through illustrations using colour, cultural symbols and representations Identify Aboriginal Rock Art in the story (when Grace and her family visited Kakadu) How are stories told through this form of art? How is it made? Why was it made? Students identify what colours are used in the story? Create a colour chart What do you think these colours mean? Can students identify any other artists who have illustrated the outback? Students create their own illustration of the outback through the use of colour. What colours are used to identify the different flora and fauna? The different animals? How do the colours used make you feel? Identify multiple representations of Australian landscape Students compare and contrast the illustrations of Australian landscape in different picture books. Examples: Possum Magic Students collect different illustrations of Australian landscape, from different periods of time. Compare and contrast: How have they changed? Students find symbols and icons throughout the story, identify and explain them: what do they each mean? How are they connected to the story? How are they connected to Australia? Students create their own individual illustration or artwork of Australia. Students are encouraged to use colour, symbols, representations to illustrate important and special things about Australia

3. ICT

3.1. The use of various technology to present different places to readers, and gain a deeper understanding of sense of place

3.1.1. Students use Canva or BookCreator to create a digital travel brochure of a place they have been, or would like to go. Include information about location, climate, people, landmarks, and purpose of visiting

3.1.2. Students create a presentation or video of a journey they have been on before. Students can include personal images and stories, to explore the places they have been before.

3.1.3. Students use search engines (Google, Brittanica School, ABC Splash) to research different places throughout Australia, and the world to develop a deeper understanding of place

3.1.4. Use a Mind Map to explore and brainstorm various concepts and themes of the story

3.1.5. Identify the various Australian landmarks visited in the book. Research other countries landmarks, compare and contrast to those in the book.

3.1.6. Use Google Earth and Google Maps to locate different places throughout Australia, and the world.

3.1.7. Using a class Padlet, explore the idea of place

4. Languages

4.1. Explore different Australian colloquialisms


5.1. Geography

5.1.1. Concepts of place and stories through mapping Mapping Students draw, create and label their own map of Australia Create a map of Australia. Locate and pin point every place Grace and her family visited throughout Australia (label and describe each place) Identify and name the different states, capitals and territories of Australia. Locate them on a map of Australia Diagrams and Graphs Identify the different climates that Grace and her family visited. Using a graph, to show the different types of weather they encountered. What are the features and characteristics of each climate?

5.2. History

5.2.1. Aboriginal studies

5.2.2. Australian identity Australian character How are Australian people characterised? Australian history Explore different cultural groups in Australia Australian celebrations, significant days and the importance of Australian symbols and emblems

6. English

6.1. Reading & Viewing

6.1.1. Language Understand that languages have different written and visual communication systems, different oral traditions and different ways of constructing meaning (ACELA1475) Examine how evaluative language can be varied to be more or less forceful (ACELA1477) Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences) (ACELA1478) Examine the text structure and organisation Examine grammar and vocabulary Understand that verbs represent different processes, for example doing, thinking, saying, and relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tense (ACELA1482) Expressing and developing ideas

6.1.2. Literature Draw connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others (ACELT1596) Responding to literature and connecting to prior knowledge Discuss texts in which characters, events and settings are portrayed in different ways, and speculate on the authors’ reasons (ACELT1594) Literature and context Discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of the narrative (ACELT1599) Examining literature Discuss the nature and effects of some language devices used to enhance meaning and shape the reader’s reaction, including rhythm and onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (ACELT1600) Similes and Metaphors There are a number of similes and metaphors throughout the book. Class discussion: What is a simile? What is a metaphor? Students are given a definition of what these two concepts are, and how they are used in texts.

6.1.3. Literacy Read an increasing range of different types of texts by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge, using text processing strategies, for example monitoring, predicting, confirming, rereading, reading on and self-correcting (ACELY1979) Predicting Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view (ACELY1675) Texts in context Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1680) Making meaning from print and images Introduce students to the concepts of literal and inferred meaning. Literal: What do the words say? Inferred: What does the message mean? Reading Strategy: Inferring Students are introduced to the reading strategy: inferring. That is, figuring out what the author is trying to say by reading the text and using prior knowledge, “reading between the lines”. ‘Turn on the Lights’ Activity When reading, students recall and record any information that helps them to put the pieces of the story together, or has significant meaning to them. AH HA! Moments What? Where? How? Why? When? Who?

6.2. Speaking & Listening

6.2.1. Write a short oral presentation on a chosen character in the story. Explore their point of view, what kind of things might they say, why?

6.2.2. Develop interview questions for the author, in partners ask each other questions

6.2.3. Orally present a recount of a journey or adventure you have been on

6.3. Writing

6.3.1. Identify and name the different members of your family. Draw and characterise them on individual place cards, including yourself

6.3.2. Persuasive text tourist brochure

6.3.3. Create a postcard of a destination

6.3.4. Write a short story about a journey you have been on

7. Science

7.1. Looking at the flora and fauna of Australia by region

7.1.1. Students identify different flora and fauna that is unique to Australia, using labels and imagery

7.2. Identify Australian animals, birds, reptiles featured in the story (both on land and in the sea)

7.2.1. What are their names? Characteristics? Features? Why and how can they live in the Australian climate? Students create a map of Australia, pinning on different pictures of animals, recognising their different habitats

7.3. Explore the different types of Australian soil

8. Health and Physical Education

8.1. Identity and self

8.1.1. Explore the influence of family on identify and self

8.1.2. Sense of place in a community