1. Nervous
1.1. Age related changes: loss of nerve cell mass, number of dendrites declines, demyelinization.
1.2. Parkinson's Disease
1.2.1. loss of pigmented dopaminergic receptors in pars compacta, which then results in increasing overall excitatory drive in basal ganglia. S/S: shuffled gait, tremor, hallucinations
1.3. Transient Ischemic Attacks
1.3.1. temporary cessation of cerebral blood flow, the clot dissolves within 24 hours and is temporary.
1.4. CVA/ Stroke
1.4.1. Ischemic and hemorrhagic types,vascular occlusion due to thromboembolic disease causing cell hypoixia and lack of glucose. S/S; Unsymmetrical face, slurred speech, and not able to lift arms at same level.
2. Urinary
2.1. Age related changes: hypertrophy of bladder muscle, kidney filtration ability decreases, reduced renal function, retention, decreased tubular function, increase in renal threshold for glucose
2.2. Urinary incontinence
2.2.1. urethral hypermobility due to impaired support from pelvic floor, stress incontinence.
2.3. Bladder cancer
2.3.1. growth of malignant cells of urinary bladder, most common types are squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma. S/S: frequent urination, hematuria, back pain and pelvic pain.
2.4. Renal calculi
2.4.1. Stone growth starts with supersaturated urine and is from calcium oxalate, a big contribution is low fluid intake.
2.5. Glomerulonephritis
2.5.1. inflammation of tiny filters in your kidneys, can be acute or chronic and can be brought on by other diseases like diabetes, or lupus. S/S: hematuria, proteinuria, edema, high blood pressure.
3. Reproductive
3.1. Female
3.1.1. Age related changes: vulva atrophies, flattening of the labia, vaginal epithelium thins, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes atrophy, vaginal canal changes, more alkaline vaginal pH,uterus and ovaries decrease in size,
3.1.2. Infections of the vulva more susceptible to irritation and infection, senile vulvitis.
3.1.3. Tumors of the vulva
3.1.4. Atrophic vaginitis increased vaginal fragility increases the risk of irritation leading to vaginitis
3.1.5. Cancer of the vagina more often an area of metastasis rather than the primary site
3.1.6. Cancer of the cervix
3.1.7. Cancer of the endometrium S/S: postmenopausal bleeding
3.1.8. Cancer of the ovaries
3.1.9. Breast cancer
3.2. Male
3.2.1. Age related changes: seminal vesicles develop thinner epithelium, muscle tissue replaced with connective tissue, seminiferous tubule changes, atrophy of testes, less live sperm in fluid, enlargement of prostate.
3.2.2. Erectile dysfunction
3.2.3. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
3.2.4. Cancer of the prostate
3.2.5. Tumors of the penis and testes
3.2.6. Tumors of the scrotum
4. Nutrition
4.1. Age related changes: reduced need for calories, soluable fiber, reduce carbs,
4.2. protein should be ten to twenty percent of calories
4.3. calcium absorption ability decreases with age
4.4. at least five servings daily of fruits and vegetables
4.5. dietary fat intake less than 30 percent of calories
4.6. 1500 minimal required for fluid intake
4.7. decreased stomach motility, less gastric secretion, and slower emptying time
4.8. anorexia
4.9. dysphagia
4.10. malnutrition
4.11. Nursing interventions: food stamps, meals on wheels, home health aides for feedings, shopping and meal preparation assistance
5. Sleep
5.1. Age related changes: phase advance common, more time in stage 1 and 2 and less in 3 and 4 (less deep sleep).
5.2. Insomnia
5.2.1. difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or prematurely waking
5.3. Nocturnal Myoclonus
5.3.1. Jerking legs during sleep, five leg jerks or movements per hour during sleep, can be associated with renal failure or tricyclic antidepressants
5.4. Restless leg syndrome
5.4.1. neurological condition of urge to move legs associated with iron deficiency anemia, uremia,, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes
5.5. Sleep apnea
5.5.1. five episodes of cessation of breathing, lasting 10 seconds , supine position should be avoided
5.6. Depression and other emotional problems
5.7. Drugs affecting sleep: anticholinergics, antidepressants, antihypertensive, benzodiazepines, beta-blocker, diuretics, levodopa, steroids, theophylline, caffeine, alcohol
6. Sexuality
6.1. Menopause in women
6.2. Slef-acceptance
6.2.1. emotions and symptoms used for expression, realize significance for caring and nurturing self
6.3. Hormone therapy
6.3.1. estrogen and progestin increased heart risks
6.4. Andropause
6.4.1. testosterone levels decline in men, can result in reduced muscle mass, energy, strength , and stamina. erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and shrinkage of testes.
6.5. Barriers to sexuality: unavailability of a partner, concerns about body image, fear of losing sexual abilities, negative attitudes from society, physical conditions
6.5.1. interventions to physical conditions: medications, penile prostheses, lubricants, surgery and counseling
6.6. Erectile dysfunction
6.6.1. unable to maintain erection of penis for sexual intercourse. causes: diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, atherosclerosis
6.7. Medications can affect potency, libido, orgasm, and ejaculation
7. Integumentary
7.1. Skin cancer
7.2. reduced melanocytes
7.3. decreased thickness and elasticity of dermis
7.4. eczema
7.5. decreased hair growth
7.6. subcutaneous fat loss
8. Circulatory
8.1. Age related changes: heart valves thicker and rigid, aorta becomes dilated, myocardial muscle less efficient, calcification and reduced elasticity of vessels, less sensitive to baroreceptor regulation of blood pressure
8.2. Hypertension
8.3. Hypotension
8.4. Congestive Heart Failure
8.5. Pulmonary Emboli
8.6. Coronary Artery Disease
8.7. Hyperlipidemia
8.8. Arrhythmias
8.9. Peripheral vascular disease
9. Musculoskeletal
9.1. Age related changes: decline in size and number of muscle fibers, reduction in muscle mass, connective tissue changes, reduced flexibility of joints and muscles, sarcopenia.
9.2. Factures
9.3. Osteoarthritis
9.3.1. primarily disease of the cartilage, proinflammatory cytokines cause further degenerative cartilage and growth factors are inadequate to balance out degeneration.
9.4. Rheumatoid Arthritis
9.4.1. external trigger sets of autoimmune response leading to synovial hypertrophy and chronic joint inflammation.
9.5. Osteoporosis
9.5.1. reduction in skeletal mass caused by an imbalance by bone resorption and bone formation.
9.6. Gout
9.6.1. Uric acid accumulates in blood and tissues forming crystals, common in cold extremities, causing great pain. S/S: swelling, pain, redness, tenderness especially in the great toe
10. Respiratory
10.1. Age related changes: decreased elastic recoil, alveoli less elastic, reduction in vital capacity, lungs reduce in size and weight
10.2. Asthma
10.3. Chronic Bronchitis
10.4. Emphysema
10.5. Lung Cancer
10.6. Lung Abscess
11. Endocrine
11.1. Age related changes: thyroid gland activity decreases, diminished adrenal function, volume of pituitary gland decreases, insufficient release of insulin, ACTH secretion decreases.
11.2. Diabetes Mellitus
11.2.1. Type 1 beta cells of the pancreas cannot produce proper insulin
11.2.2. Type 2 beta cells produce insulin but body is glucose intolerant. risk factors include unhealthy eating, overweight, and genetics.