Folk Taxonomy: What happens when teacher relaxes control of technology?

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Folk Taxonomy: What happens when teacher relaxes control of technology? by Mind Map: Folk   Taxonomy:  What happens when teacher relaxes control of technology?

1. Student experts are named

1.1. Students to go experts for help

1.2. Students are empowered

1.3. Teacher has fewer interruptions

2. App Exploration

2.1. Students explore apps and share learning with each other

2.2. Teacher learns new applications from her students

2.3. Bank of new apps are added to students' "tool box" of available choices

2.4. Students use knowledge from other apps and apply to new apps (including what they do at home)

3. Production

3.1. Students are motivated to produce more than when using traditional tools

3.2. Students help each other navigate apps

3.3. Students have more choices in creating reading responses (including both digital and traditional respsonses)

3.4. Students are able to include sound (voice over, music) and animation, video, drawing in their responses.

4. Supports

4.1. QR codes

4.2. Anchor chart of apps and what they can be used for

4.3. Experts

5. Emotions

5.1. Anxiety

5.2. Uncertainty

5.3. Excitement

5.4. Accomplishment

5.5. Pride