How can we help AIA transform practice?

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How can we help AIA transform practice? by Mind Map: How can we help AIA transform practice?


1.1. members helping members

2. 2030 Commitment

2.1. Low participation

2.2. Has framework, has reporting, but nothing in between

2.3. How to make it more vital?

3. Improve code of ethics

3.1. Add mandatory items to Env. Canon

3.2. Make the "suggestions" more specific an actionable

3.3. What would the rule be to support tenets of canon?

4. Treat env impacts as a life-safety issue

4.1. How to get each building to measure/connect with it's role in the creeping disaster?

4.1.1. Each bldg represents a moment of accountability; we haven't yet reconfigured our lens to see that

4.2. Articulate the HSW dimension of sustainability/climate response.

4.3. 2018 codes might step back on energy performance!