Electromagnetic Waves

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Electromagnetic Waves by Mind Map: Electromagnetic Waves

1. Wave equation: v = fX

1.1. c, speed of light = 300 000 km/s

1.2. f, frequency of wave, from 1 Hz to 10^24 Hz

1.3. X, wavelength of wave, from 10^8 m to 10^-16 m

2. Common Properties

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Refraction

2.3. Diffraction

2.4. Interference

3. The family

3.1. Radio waves

3.2. Microwaves

3.3. Infrared

3.4. Visible

3.5. Ultraviolet

3.6. X-ray

4. Dispersion

4.1. Polarization

4.2. Scattering

4.3. Spectrum

5. Energy equation: E = hf

5.1. E, energy of a photon

5.2. h, Planck's constant

5.3. f, frequency of the photon