Collectivism and Individualism Mindmeister Example

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Collectivism and Individualism Mindmeister Example by Mind Map: Collectivism and Individualism Mindmeister Example

1. Collectivism

1.1. Economic Equality

1.1.1. Definition: Use of taxes and government policy to spread wealth of society amongst society

1.2. Co-operation

1.2.1. Example: Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC) a cooperative store, who's members contribute to the upkeep of the store and in return receive cheaper prices

1.3. Public Property

2. Individualism

2.1. Rule of Law

2.2. Individual Rights and Freedoms

2.2.1. Example: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Guarantees equal rights for all citizens.

2.3. Private Property

2.3.1. Definition: Individually owned goods or land.