Pollock's Transition Process

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Pollock's Transition Process by Mind Map: Pollock's Transition Process

1. Leaving

1.1. Students experience feelings of grief, sadness, and stress.

1.2. Two areas that caused the most stress for students are making new friends and learning a new language

1.3. Mixed feelings about staying in touch with old friends

2. Involvement

2.1. Students are settled in their current school and country

2.2. Student feel both excitement and anticipation while also having worries and concerns at the same time

2.3. To begin the process, the new school should make the initial contact to the family. They should introduce the new teacher, provide them with the school website, and provide resources to help the student transition.

3. Reinvolvement

3.1. Support from a buddy is desired

3.2. Positive moments including making new friends

3.3. Feelings of homesickness lessen

4. Entering

4.1. Students experience feelings of change and not belonging.

4.2. New changes for the student include food, language and schooling.

4.3. Support can be given from teachers and school counselors.

4.4. Buddies are essential to a successful transition

5. Transition

5.1. Emotions ranges from sadness and loneliness to happiness and embarrassment.

5.2. Often feel that the teacher does not understand them

5.3. A buddy student is seen as the best support a student can be given.

6. Sources Hayden & Hill. (2008, April). Children on the Move -Using Pollock's Transition Model.pdf. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwgYlY1O2AV2V05IMVFkVmJSQWc/view