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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Summative

1.1. Definition: the conclusion of students learning over a designated instructional period. (unit, semester, school year, etc)

1.1.1. Multiple-choice assessments

1.1.2. Ture/False quiestioning

1.1.3. Yes/No questioning

1.1.4. Essay's (long and short)

1.1.5. Matching

1.1.6. Sequencing

1.2. Benefits: test dates can be months in advance, have plenty of time to prepare, you receive test scores. You teach a vareity of assessment taking skills.Can be given technological or on paper.

2. Performance

2.1. Students performances are very important as well as keeping track proof of students achievements are. Showing a students growth or decline in academics is helpful during parent teacher conferences, SST, and ARDS. Its important to know what each of your students can master and where they struggle academically.

2.1.1. Personal files

2.1.2. Jounal

2.1.3. Student log: Student work

2.1.4. Portfolio

2.2. Definition: what students are capable of doing or accomplishing.

3. Definition: the gathering of student learning that is measurable and used to understand what or how much the students know. This is very purpose for students learning and for teachers as they go off of the information gathered to make any changes they need to in order to help student succeed.

3.1. Assessments are NOT and evaluation!

4. Formative

4.1. Definition: the gathering of students acadmic process in order to modify in strategies to better help the student succeed.

4.1.1. Formal Pre-assessments Group/individual projects or activities Homework Classwork Quizzes Tests

4.1.2. Informal Exit ticket Signal signs: Thumbs up, Thumbs down Card pinchers Technolofy apps: Kahoot, Shout-it-out Questioning Observation

4.2. Benefits: It gives you effective feedback. The results are very specific. They can be modified. They're structured. Help identify instruction adjustments.

5. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. Definition: testing done throughout the school year to conclude student understanding of content. Little or no feedback is given to the students unless there is a one on one discussion designated for a specific time with the administration.

5.1.1. End of the six weeks exams (district testing)

5.1.2. Formal style is the most commonly used: Tests, projects, papers (essays and or paragraphs)

6. Diagnostic

6.1. Definition: what the student are capable of doing before a learning program is put into place to better assist the student with academics.

6.1.1. Graphic organizer

6.1.2. Quiz

6.1.3. Journals

6.1.4. Mind map

6.1.5. Conference

6.1.6. Student survey