Theme Upload

Theme Upload by Lawrence Romero Vigeowebsite - Manual

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Theme Upload создатель Mind Map: Theme Upload

1. Upload

1.1. Select Save to upload theme

1.2. Dashboard verify your theme

1.3. If all OK then theme uploaded

1.4. Actions to Details or Delete the theme

2. Theme option

2.1. Login to Dashboard

2.2. Expand Look

2.3. You can see the Theme option

3. New Theme

3.1. Click Theme to display the screen

3.2. Select New Theme

3.3. You will see the New Theme screen

3.4. Select Add Theme

4. JSON File

4.1. You will see the Open/Abrir JSON File

4.2. Select JSON file and click Open/Abrir

4.3. If all OK you will see the theme