Cullmans sarah helms takes aim at Manhattans musicals theatre scene

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Cullmans sarah helms takes aim at Manhattans musicals theatre scene by Mind Map: Cullmans sarah helms takes aim at Manhattans musicals theatre scene

1. dancing singing acting you name it

1.1. helms wants to go to new york and do her dreams and nothing is gooing to stop she is going to attive her dreams.

1.2. helms life is full of music she lived in it her whole life

2. Guidelines

2.1. Anything goes!

2.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

2.3. Quantity is Quality

2.4. The Wilder The Better

2.5. Set a Time Limit

3. Cullman High school sarah Helms

3.1. seen during one of the shreks musical performance has been awarded a scholarship to mew yorks institude of america musical theatre

3.2. Helms parents imbued her with love of music that god gave her.

4. If you saw beauty in the beast you heard helms.

4.1. she starred as belle and a character in Shrek.

4.2. everyone in her family does a musical.