Leading from the future as it emerges. Harves - Powerful Questions - Art of Hosting Karlkrona 2011

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Leading from the future as it emerges. Harves - Powerful Questions - Art of Hosting Karlkrona 2011 por Mind Map: Leading from the future as it emerges. Harves - Powerful Questions -  Art of Hosting Karlkrona 2011

1. ME

1.1. What do I need to let go of and // or nurture to become the leader in my world?

1.2. Being who I am what kind of leadership I am willing to step into?

1.2.1. What does it take to be me? What makes me relax?

1.3. What makes my heart warm?

1.4. What are my gifts (talents)?

1.5. What is it I am most interested in?

1.6. What gives me courage?

1.7. What do I need?

1.8. Who can I ask for help?

1.9. What communities am I part of?

2. World

2.1. What is happening in the world that is influencing our life and work?

2.2. What is most needed in the world?

3. Team / Community

3.1. What community is trengthening my courage?

3.2. What is this team creating that one person alone can not do? (purpose)

4. Network that learns and co-creates

4.1. What are we trying to manifest?

4.2. What are we trying to accomplish in 10 years from now?

4.2.1. What are we trying to accomplish the next 3 years? Where are we a year from now?