WW2 vs WW1

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WW2 vs WW1 by Mind Map: WW2 vs WW1

1. WW1

1.1. was fought from 1914 - 1918

1.1.1. was fought with machine guns and gas

1.2. Causes for the War Include:

1.2.1. nationalism

1.2.2. militarism

1.2.3. imperialism

1.2.4. secret alliances

1.2.5. industrialization

1.3. Effects of the War:

1.3.1. Treaty of Versailles

1.3.2. League of Nations

1.3.3. Appeasement fear of war people would do anything to avoid

1.4. Propaganda was used in all home fronts

1.5. US got involved when German U-boats sank the Lusitania

2. Similarities

2.1. Causes include:

2.1.1. Nationalism

2.1.2. imperialism

2.1.3. alliances

2.1.4. militarism

2.2. US Entry

2.2.1. involved German U-boats

2.3. During War

2.3.1. New Weapons were being developed

3. WW2

3.1. was fought from 1939 - 1945

3.2. Causes include:

3.2.1. Treaty of Versailles

3.2.2. Failure of the League of Nations

3.2.3. Economic Depression allowing Hitler to rise to power

3.3. US Entry:

3.3.1. Attack on Pearl Harbor

3.4. War Weapons include:

3.4.1. atomic bomb

3.4.2. advances in tanks and aircrafts

3.5. Home Front included:

3.5.1. FDR

3.5.2. Propaganda

3.5.3. Boost in production

3.5.4. Government Rationing

3.5.5. Japanese-American Internment Camps

3.6. Effects of War:

3.6.1. Red Scare Communism

3.6.2. Cold War