The Events of World War 2 by Phillip Vane

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The Events of World War 2 by Phillip Vane by Mind Map: The Events of World War 2 by Phillip Vane

1. Africa

1.1. September 13, 1940 - The Italians invade British-controlled Egypt from Italian-controlled Libya.

1.2. November 8, 1942 - US and British troops land at several points on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco in French North Africa.

1.3. May 13, 1943 - The Axis forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies, ending the North African war.

2. Europe

2.1. September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland starting the European war. France/Britian vs Gemany.

2.2. June 21, 1940 - Italy invades southern France.

2.3. June 22, 1941 to November 1941 - Nazi Germany and its Axis partners invade the Soviet Union.

2.4. May 7, 1945 - Germany surrenders to the western Allies.

3. Pacific

3.1. July 7, 1937 - Japan invades China starting the Pacific war.

3.2. December 7, 194 - Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in the US.

3.3. December 8, 1941 - The US declares war on Japan, entering the war.

3.4. August 6, 1945 - The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima to end the war.

3.5. August 9, 1945 - The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki which led to Japan surrenduring a month later.