Graphic Organizers to Reinforce Complex Biology Concepts

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Graphic Organizers to Reinforce Complex Biology Concepts por Mind Map: Graphic Organizers to Reinforce Complex Biology Concepts

1. Completed so far

1.1. Made corrections to my paper

1.2. Revised Parent Consent Form

1.3. Started looking for additional articles

2. Still need to...

2.1. Send out consent forms

3. Questions

3.1. Does the application of graphic organizers aid in the comprehension of complex Biology concepts?

3.2. Will my research have any conclusive results?

3.3. Will I have enough time to implement my entire project while I am student teaching?

4. Implement Research

4.1. 1. Collect data

4.2. 2. Interpret data

4.3. 3. Form a conclusion