Diversity and Collaboration by Tameika Reed

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Diversity and Collaboration by Tameika Reed by Mind Map: Diversity and Collaboration by Tameika Reed

1. Better Engagement

1.1. Collaboration of projects

1.2. It should not matter about the city

2. Show The Basics

2.1. Creating a GitHub Account and Why

2.2. Basic Linux Courses

2.3. Ops School

3. Popup Shops

4. Mobile Training on Campus

5. Involve in the computer Curriculum

6. Students are suffering from lack of knowledge

7. Help the counselor out on the ever changing structure and topics

8. Colleges

8.1. 2 year colleges

8.1.1. Focus on basic training skills Allows those to be employed

8.1.2. Collaboration with Public Companies Apprentice Programs

8.1.3. Change Core Classes to Basic Devops Classes Potential Curriculum

8.1.4. 4 year colleges Conference Partnerships

8.1.5. Blogging and Speaker Engagement

8.2. Boot Camps

8.2.1. Speaker Engagement

8.3. Community College Partnerships

9. Mobile Conferences

9.1. Live Training Not Precorded

9.1.1. Show The Architecture

9.1.2. Define Devops

9.1.3. CAP Theorem

10. Meetups

10.1. Virtual Meetups

10.1.1. Skype

10.1.2. crowdcast.io

10.1.3. Hangouts

10.1.4. GoToMeeting

10.2. Record Meetups

10.2.1. Rancher

10.2.2. Women In Linux

10.2.3. Openstack (Bay Area)

10.2.4. OpenEdX

10.3. Location

10.3.1. Public Spaces

10.3.2. High Schools

10.4. Community Build

10.4.1. Within the city

10.4.2. with other cities

11. Digital Guidance Counselor

11.1. Too much information with no direction

11.1.1. School, Location

11.2. Translate Classes into on the job tranining

11.2.1. University, Location

11.2.2. Field of Study

11.2.3. Diploma

11.3. Provide student and guidance counselor training

11.4. How to use the resources available

12. Attendee Ownership

12.1. Show Up

12.2. Ask Questions

12.3. Teach Others By Doing

12.4. Teach Classes

12.5. Engage and Reengage out of necessity

13. Mentoring

13.1. Teaching people to fish

13.2. Have to have an end result that is focused

13.3. How to navigate

13.4. Encouragement