How did you attract/address your audience?
by Chloe Wallis
1. The images I have used within my magazine would also attract an audience as they are desirable. I have made them desirable by using the app ‘BeautySelfie’ to make their skin appear flawless. This would attract an audience as they look up to the models in the images and want to be like them. I have also used mise-en-scene to attract an audience by using a thick fur coat on two of my models, this has been done to present a feel of luxury and elegance to my models and relates to the aspirers and people in bands A/B that i am trying to appeal to.
2. On my front cover I have used buzzwords such as ‘WIN’ to help attract an audience. This buzz word would appeal to the audience and make them want to buy my product to see what they could win. The puffs I have used on my front cover are all to do with music, and if I was to do this project again I would include some more about fashion to appeal to a wider range of people. However, my puffs do link to different types of people who like music with one talking about charts on itunes and others relating to the award show ‘The Brits’.
2.1. This relates to Bulmer and Katz, Uses and Gratifications model. The main reason someone would read a magazine is to be informed/ educated and entertained. It may also be used as a social point and an escape from everyday life. This is why images have to be desirable and aspirational as well as the puffs being informative and entertaining.
3. I have attracted my audience by using a strict house style with a colour palette of grey, white black and red. The red throughout my products helps link them together and may appeal to an audience. It also helps my product to stand out as it is a bright colour that will draw an audience in. This house style creates a strong brand identity that is carried throughout my product
4. The price of my magazine would also help attract my audience. The price of my product is £3.20, a very middle of the range price for a magazine. I have placed it at this price because it makes my magazine more accessible for everyone. This relates to my target audience of people in the C1 to A bands. I have gone against the answers i received from my questionnaire as most people said they would only pay £2-£3 for a magazine, however, I have done this deliberately to give my magazine a classier and higher quality feel.