Technology in the classroom

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Technology in the classroom by Mind Map: Technology in the classroom

1. Software/Applications

1.1. Screen Capture

1.2. Web Authoring Tools

1.3. Web Design

1.4. Word Processing Packages

1.5. Presentation Tools and Visual Literacy

1.6. Sound and Video Files

1.7. Digital Storytelling

1.8. Digital Graphic/Photo Tools

1.9. Data Bases

1.10. Wikis, Blogs, Social Media

1.11. Podcasting and Other Tools

1.12. Assessment/Testing/Survey Tools

1.13. Virtual Schools & Mind Map Forms and Surveys Spreadsheets

2. Educational Technology Concept

2.1. Emergent Technologies

2.2. Free Online Resources

2.3. Laws: Copyright, Fair Use and AUP

2.4. Netiquette

2.5. Online Rubrics

2.6. Educational Websites

2.7. Web Hunt, WebQuests, & PBL

2.8. Ergonomics, Health & Safety & Cyberbullying

2.9. Technology Standards & Digital Citizenship

2.10. MDE Technology Support

2.11. Online Gaming

2.12. Online Professional Development

2.13. Online Testing

3. Google Classroom

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Creating a Class

3.3. Assignments

3.4. Collaboration

3.5. Qizzes

3.6. Communication

4. Google

4.1. Search

4.2. Drive

4.3. Sites

4.4. Docs

4.5. Forms

4.6. Calendar

4.7. Slides

4.8. Sheets

4.9. Photos

4.10. Maps

4.11. Earth

4.12. Goggles


5.1. Substitution

5.2. Augmentation

5.3. Modification

5.4. Redefination

6. Mobile Learning

6.1. Instruction

6.2. Apps

6.3. Devices

6.4. Engagement