The Type - Sarah Kay

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The Type - Sarah Kay by Mind Map: The Type - Sarah Kay

1. Sexualization

1.1. Sexual Objectification

1.1.1. Film Industry

1.2. Cat Calling

1.3. Laws/Prohibition

1.4. Rape

1.4.1. Blaming Women

2. Emancipation

2.1. Importance of Emancipation

2.2. Women Empowerment

2.3. Expressing power

2.3.1. Demonstrations Women's March

2.4. How did it start?

2.5. Development (over the years)

2.6. Icons of Emancipation

3. Equality

3.1. Why do we need equality?

3.2. Equality of gender

3.2.1. Trans Bathroom Discussion

3.2.2. Gender fluid

3.2.3. Sexuality Gay Bi Pan . . .

3.2.4. Tolerance

3.3. Campaigns

3.3.1. He For She

3.4. Icons

4. Drawing Ballerinas

5. Love

5.1. How does love effect the way we act and think of a person?

5.2. Can love make us do something we originally did not want to do?

6. Expressing Feminism

7. Women Rights

7.1. Development

7.2. Laws

7.3. Elections

7.3.1. Hillary Clinton

7.4. Malala Yousafzai

8. Feminism

8.1. Kinds of Feminists

8.2. Importance

8.3. Development

8.4. Awareness/Pride

8.5. Feminism in fashion

8.5.1. Statement Shirts

9. Self-Worth

9.1. Society's Expectations

9.2. Standards

9.3. Body Images

9.3.1. Diversity Skinny Curvy Fat . . .

9.3.2. Magazines

9.3.3. Social Media

9.4. Icons/Influences

9.4.1. Iskra Lawrence ''EveryBODY is beautiful''

9.4.2. Ashley Graham

9.5. Body Positivity/Shaming

9.5.1. Body Hair Shaming

9.6. Acceptance

9.6.1. Do not try to be someone you are not