A Dividing America

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A Dividing America by Mind Map: A  Dividing America

1. Bleeding Kansas

1.1. Bleeding Kansas is when the peaceful war between pro slavery and antislavery supporters became violent. Pro slavery supporters invaded, and destroyed homes, hotels, etc. They also threw the anti slavery newspapers into the river. The anitslavery people tried to get back, with John Brown hacking seven pro slavery people to death.

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1.3. This event further separated the north and south, because it made the south raging to end the north, anti slavery rule, and to conquer by slaves. This pissed of the north, as they got John Brown to take care of the business., This will cause war.

2. Dred Scott Decision

2.1. The Dred Scott decision, is a former slave that was in Missouri, which banned slavery there. He went to court to win his freedom, and got his freedom

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2.3. This event further separated the north, and south, because it inspired slaves to try and escape to the north, and knew that the slaves can fight and win for freedom, which got the white slave owners worried.

3. John Brown's Raid

3.1. John Brown's raid, was a raid where John Brown and his sons, raided the South to end slavery. They failed as his 5 sons died, and later John Brown executed.

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3.3. This event further separated the north and south, because it's inspired the north, as they can attack the south, and end slavery, and the south now can defend themselves, because of John Brown's Raid.