Magic Mushrooms

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Magic Mushrooms by Mind Map: Magic Mushrooms

1. Short Term Effects

1.1. Enhancement and contrasting of colors

1.2. Strange light phenomena (auras and halos)

1.3. Increased visual acuity

1.4. Surfaces that seem to ripple, shimmer, or breathe

1.5. Complex open and closed eye visuals of images and objects that warp, morph, or change solid colors

2. Long Term Effects

2.1. Complex open and closed eye visuals of images and objects that warp, morph, or change solid colors

2.2. dry mouth, sometimes leading to nausea and vomiting.

2.3. muscle weakness and twitching, or convulsions.

2.4. exaggerated reflexes.

2.5. sweating and high body temperature, often followed by chills and shivering.

3. How It's Used

3.1. It can be chewed both raw and dried

3.2. It can also be made into a form of tea

4. Cost

4.1. $100-$125 per ounce

4.2. $6,500 per yer if used once weekly

5. Interesting Facts

5.1. Mushrooms hyper-connect the brain

5.2. Central Americans were using psilocybin mushrooms before Europeans landed on the New World's shores

5.3. Mushrooms kill fear

6. Classification

6.1. Hallucinogen

7. Street Names

7.1. Shrooms

7.2. Mushies

7.3. Boomers

8. Treatment options

8.1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

8.2. Contingency Management

8.3. Family Therapy

8.4. Motivational Interviewing