Planning lessons (Linda Jensen)

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Planning lessons (Linda Jensen) by Mind Map: Planning lessons (Linda Jensen)

1. Principles

1.1. Sense of Coherence and Flow

1.2. Exhibit Variety

1.3. Flexible

2. Involves

2.1. Our Teaching Philosophy Student Population Textbooks Our Goals for Our Students

3. Why

3.1. Guide what to do next

3.2. Remind Goals/ Objectives

3.3. Record what we did last Class

3.4. Benefit Skateholders

4. How

4.1. Beginning

4.1.1. Describe Class/ Students

4.2. Middle

4.2.1. Content/Procedures

4.3. End

4.3.1. Review/ Summary

5. When

5.1. Macro PLanning

5.1.1. Based on syllabus design

5.2. Micro Planning

5.2.1. Done hours Before Class