1. High stakes
1.1. Definition and Purpose
1.1.1. A high-stakes test is any test used to make important decisions about students, educators, schools, or districts, most commonly for the purpose of accountability—i.e., the attempt by federal, state, or local government agencies and school administrators to ensure that students are enrolled in effective schools and being taught by effective teachers.
1.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
1.2.1. Advantage: Provides easily understandable information about school and student performance—in the form of numerical test scores which are easily compared. Establishes high expectations for both student and teacher
1.2.2. Disadvantage: Mainly content based and will not measure applied skills and understanding. The test score does not take into account personality or abilities in art, health, music, physical education, or social studies.
1.3. Assessment OF learning
1.3.1. Often used as grade promotion or high school graduation, testing what was learned in the past
1.4. High School Science
1.4.1. IB science exam
2. Portfolio
2.1. Definition and Purpose
2.1.1. A student portfolio is a compilation of academic work and other forms of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of (1) evaluating coursework quality, learning progress, and academic achievement; (2) determining whether students have met learning standards or other academic requirements for courses, grade-level promotion, and graduation; (3) helping students reflect on their academic goals and progress as learners; and (4) creating a lasting archive of academic work products, accomplishments, and other documentation.
2.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
2.2.1. Advantage: It can provide a richer, deeper, and more accurate picture of what students have learned and are able to do.
2.2.2. Disadvantage: Creating, maintaining, and assessing student portfolios can be a time-consuming endeavour. It will take more time to score that a standardised test
2.3. Assessment OF learning
2.3.1. It is a compilation of what students have already learned
2.4. High School Science
2.4.1. Compiled lab reports of all science labs performed in high school, could be presented as a portfolio.
3. Authentic
3.1. Definition and Purpose
3.1.1. Authentic assessment aims to evaluate students' abilities in 'real-world' contexts. It focuses on students' analytical skills; ability to integrate what they learn; creativity; ability to work collaboratively; and written and oral expression skills. It values the learning process as much as the finished product.
3.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
3.2.1. Advantage: Enhances thinking skills and combines creativity, communication and collaboration skills to create an end-product.
3.2.2. Disadvantage: There is no clear right or wrong answer so teachers need to be subjective on their grading. Clear rubrics may help this issue.
3.3. Assessment OF learning
3.3.1. Can students put into practice what they have learned in theory
3.4. High School Science
3.4.1. A Science Lab
4. Self-Assessment
4.1. Definition and Purpose
4.1.1. Self-assessment, is a process whereby students grade assignments or tests based on a teacher’s benchmarks. The purpose is for students to get a better understanding of the course material and improve their metacognitive skills.
4.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
4.2.1. Advantage: Advantage: Safe the teacher time and allows the students to get a better understanding of the course material as well as improving their metacognitive skills.
4.2.2. Disadvantage: Students seem to over grade themselves, but the majority does so with only5% difference from the teacher's grade. Good rubrics are essential.
4.3. Assessment OF & FOR learning
4.3.1. It is assessment of learning as the student has learned new material and is grading him/herself using the rubric provided. At the same time it is assessment for learning as students learn to be critical of their own work.
4.4. High School Science
4.4.1. Use a multiple choice test/ open answers test on the taught topic and provide answers and rubric to let the student grade him/herself
5. References
5.1. Assessments. (n.d.). Retrieved May 07, 2017, from http://edglossary.org/?s=Assessment
5.2. Chun, M. (2010, March). Taking teaching to (performance) task: Linking pedagogical and assessment practices. Change: The Magazine of Higher Education. Retrieved May 07, 2017, http://jcsites.juniata.edu/faculty/kruse/misc/Chun_Change_TakingTeachingToTask.pdf
5.3. Diagnostic Teaching & Testing ▾. (n.d.). Retrieved May 05, 2017, from https://www.enotes.com/research-starters/diagnostic-teaching-testing
5.4. Peer assessment. (2017, March 14). Retrieved May 07, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_assessment
5.5. Performance Based Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved May 07, 2017, from http://www.projectappleseed.org/assessment
6. Diagnostic
6.1. Definition and Purpose
6.1.1. Educational diagnostic testing is a form of assessment that occurs before instruction begins. The purpose of administering diagnostic tests is to try to determine what students already know about the concepts and skills to be covered by instruction.
6.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
6.2.1. Advantage: Can show the teacher where the student is at.
6.2.2. Disadvantage: Teacher needs to be flexible if the outcome of the diagnostic test shows that students have not mastered what was covered previously. The teacher would have to re-teach the basics before moving on to more complicated topics.
6.3. Assessment FOR learning
6.3.1. By doing the assessment it should become clear what the teacher should be teaching so that the students are learning.
6.4. High School Science
6.4.1. Introducing a new topic the teacher investigates what students already know about the subject through a few short questions. E.g. If the teacher is introducing the topic of evolution questions could be: 1. Give the definition of evolution? 2. What is macro/micro evolution? 3. What environmental circumstances can lead to macro/micro evolution?
7. Formative
7.1. Definition and Purpose
7.1.1. Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course. The purpose of formative assessment is to help teachers identify concepts that students are struggling to understand so that adjustments can be made to the lessons.
7.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
7.2.1. Advantage: It is a real time quick assessment, with immediate feedback
7.2.2. Disadvantage: Not formal and not graded, makes them look like unofficial
7.3. Assessment FOR learning
7.3.1. Used by teachers on a daily basis to determine whether students are learning the lessons being taught
7.4. High School Science
7.4.1. End of lesson Kahoot quiz
8. Summative
8.1. Definition and Purpose
8.1.1. Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period—typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, program, or school year.
8.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
8.2.1. Advantage: It is measurable precisely
8.2.2. Disadvantage: Test can be biased and not reveal what the student is really capable of.
8.3. Assessment OF learning
8.3.1. At the end of a unit students show what they have learned.
8.4. High School Science
8.4.1. Essay on the topic: Are current methods of generating electricity sustainable? (essay will be scored by an Evaluation Rubric
9. Performance-based
9.1. Definition and Purpose
9.1.1. Performance-based assessment measures students' ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit. Typically, the task challenges students to use their higher-order thinking skills to create a product or complete a process (Chun, 2010).
9.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
9.2.1. Advantage It combines content knowledge with processing skills and challenges the student to use their critical thinking to solve the given problem.
9.2.2. Disadvantage: As there are no clear right and wrong answers, teachers need a good way to assess the outcome. Well defined rubrics can help this process
9.3. Assessment OF & FOR learning
9.3.1. Can students use what they learned in class to solve a problem that needs deeper thinking skills as well as processing skills.
9.4. High School Science
9.4.1. After learning the basics on electrical circuits, can the (group of) students create an electrical circuit that improves the use of an electric tool in daily life
10. Peer Assessment
10.1. Definition and Purpose
10.1.1. Peer assessment, or self-assessment, is a process whereby students or their peers grade assignments or tests based on a teacher’s benchmarks. The purpose is for students to get a better understanding of the course material and improve their metacognitive skills.
10.2. Advantage/Disadvantage
10.2.1. Advantage: Safe the teacher time and allows the students to get a better understanding of the course material as well as improving their metacognitive skills
10.2.2. Disadvantage: Peers tend to undergrade the work, but the majority does so with only 5% difference from the teacher's grade. Good rubrics are essential.
10.3. Assessment OF & FOR learning
10.3.1. It is assessment of learning as all students have learned the same thing in class and are now checking each other's work. At the same time it is assessment for learning as students learn to grade each other and give critical feedback.
10.4. High School Science
10.4.1. Let peers grade and give feedback on classroom presentations