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EP Webshop 2009 by Mind Map: EP Webshop 2009

1. 6. Purchase orders ( DAX- Sales olders ) TP 1805

1.1. 6.1 List of previous orders 2h

1.1.1. 6.1.1. Export to PDF

1.2. 6.2 Order based on previous orders - add to cart 12h

1.3. 6.3 Posibility for the invoice point to aprove orders recorded by the delivery points ( 3-4 days )

2. 7. Invoices TP 1806

2.1. 7.1 List of the previous invoices 2h

2.2. 7.2 Show unpaid invoices 3h

2.3. 7.3 Print PDF copies 8h

3. 12. Budget management

3.1. 12.1 Customer to enter it's own budget

3.2. 12.2 Handle customer budgets (by order or by customers calendars) - put the order on hold OR not accept the order

4. 8. My Account

4.1. 8.1 Customer details 4h

5. 9. My password -> TP Gergő megnézi

5.1. 9.1 Forgott password

5.2. 9.2 New password

5.3. 9.3 Unlock account

6. 11. Price request / Quotation 24h

6.1. 11.1 Request a quote

6.1.1. 11.1.1 Add to Qout.cart button on Item details

6.1.2. 11.1.2 Quotation cart

7. 13. Registration Form

7.1. 13.1 Mark regs came from EP 2h

8. 10. Promotions

9. 1. Login with customer selection / web delivery address TP 1809 16h

9.1. 1.1 Extend user relation functinality

9.2. 1.2 Select customer - page

9.3. 1.3 Displaly currently logged-in customer in the header

10. 2. Product catalog TP 1803

10.1. 2.1 Item node TP: 1826 40h

10.1.1. 2.1.1 Item description TP 1804 32h Associated items TP 1825 - a.k.a Complementary products Show linked products - cup and lid Download a technical data sheet of a product 8h Show alternative products 2h Add to cart If the product has not been ordered by the customer before, send an alert ????????? Fost plus - mark items where the cust. Needs to pay the tax 1h Add to personal favourites list -> 2.1.3 "Other customers also bought" banner Inventory level

10.1.2. 2.1.2 Add to cart

10.1.3. 2.1.3 Add to personal favourites list 2h

10.2. 2.2 Show only products from the customer's closed list

10.3. 2.3 Best sellers

10.3.1. 2.3.1 Top 5 Best sellers

10.3.2. 2.3.2 Item group best sellers

10.4. 2.4 Green products catalog

11. 3. Quick entry TP 1808

11.1. 3.1 Add by item number

11.2. 3.2 Search by item name 32h

12. 4. Favourite items TP: 1807

12.1. 4.1 Favourites - processed from SOs 16h

12.1.1. 4.1.1 Export to PDF

12.2. 4.2 personal favourites - Customer's own list 40h

12.2.1. 4.2.1 Export to PDF

13. 5. Shopping cart

13.1. 5.1 Handle minimum order value 1h

13.2. 5.2 Handle freight charges (different levels based on order value) ??????? Investigate

13.3. 5.3 Calculate VAT and other taxes 2h

13.4. 5.4 Check out

13.4.1. 5.4.1 Handle credit limits - don't show message on the web

13.4.2. 5.4.2 Send an automatic order confirmation from AX - PDF

13.5. 5.5 Inventory level - 4h