Cubs- Outdoor Plus/ Outdoors

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Cubs- Outdoor Plus/ Outdoors por Mind Map: Cubs- Outdoor Plus/ Outdoors

1. Cycling Prof.

2. Wickham Thornes

3. Weekend Activity

3.1. Scavenger Hunt Type Activity

4. Maps/ Navigation

5. Urban Outdoors

5.1. Outdoors Shop

5.2. Karen Turnbull

5.3. Newcastle thing

6. Cooking

6.1. Backwoods

6.2. Stove

7. RNLI Hit the surf

8. Climbing Wall (Sund.)

9. Kite Surfing

10. Copycats

10.1. Mick to Sort

11. Survival Night

11.1. Scott/Phil

12. WideGame

12.1. Week after Parents Presentation

13. TV Show Competition

14. Drama

14.1. Outdoor Scenarios

15. American Football

15.1. Ray to Sort

15.2. 5th July??

16. HCP

16.1. Geocaching