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R.E. Summer Exam by Mind Map: R.E. Summer Exam

1. GOOD COMMUNICATION between religious groups

2. Church of Ireland

2.1. Leadership

2.1.1. Archbishop of Armagh/Canterbury Guides the whole of the Church of Ireland faith

2.1.2. Bishops They are in charge of dioceses Rector Celebrate the sacraments Look after parishioners

2.1.3. Deacon A person who is training to be a rector Studies in college while helping out in church

2.1.4. Lay Reader Baptised lay person from parish Trained to preach sermons and lead some religious services

2.1.5. Lay Person Teach in Sunday schools


2.2. Sacraments

2.2.1. Baptism Babies are baptised

2.2.2. Holy Communion Taking of bread and wine once a month

2.3. Religious Commitment

2.3.1. Attending church services

2.3.2. Celebrating sacraments

2.3.3. Living good Christian lives

2.4. Confirmation

2.4.1. Children aged 12-14 promise to live good Christian lives

2.4.2. They are confirmed by the Bishop

2.4.3. They are now in charge of their faith

2.4.4. Important, but not a sacrament

2.5. Sunday Worship

2.5.1. Prayers

2.5.2. Hymns

2.5.3. Sermon

2.5.4. Communion (Sometimes)

2.5.5. Bible readings

2.5.6. Blessing and dismissal

3. Interfaith Dialogue

3.1. World Day of Peace

3.1.1. 1986, 1993, 2002

3.1.2. Religious leaders to Assisi

3.1.3. All leaders pray for World Peace

3.2. Three Faiths Forum

3.2.1. Sir Sigmund Sternberg, the Sheikh Dr Zaki Badawi and Revd Dr Marcus Braybrooke - founded - 1997

3.2.2. Muslims, Christians and Jews

3.2.3. Understand and accept people's faiths


3.4. The Prodigal Son

3.4.1. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism

3.5. Aims

3.5.1. Promote contact between religions

3.5.2. Build trust between people of different religions

3.5.3. Develop respect and tolerance of other religions

3.5.4. Prevent religious conflict

4. Map of Palestine

4.1. Galilee

4.1.1. Capernaum

4.1.2. Cana

4.1.3. Nazareth

4.2. Samaria

4.3. Judaea

4.3.1. Jericho

4.3.2. Jerusalem

4.3.3. Bethany

4.3.4. Bethlehem

5. Last Supper, Death and Resurrection

5.1. Last Supper

5.1.1. Passover: A Jewish festival to celebrate Exodus Memorial: Something done to honour and remember someone or something Sacrifice: Something of value offered to God for the sake of others

5.1.2. The Last Supper was a Passover meal

5.1.3. The first Eucharist

5.1.4. Breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine It had a new meaning

5.2. Death

5.2.1. Martyrdom: A willingness to suffer and/or die for one's beliefs or a special cause

5.2.2. Jesus was crucified

5.3. Resurrection

5.3.1. Resurrection: The central Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he died Transformation: A complete change in appearance and nature Presence: The fact that Jesus truly exists and is present here and now

5.3.2. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary Empty tomb!

5.3.3. Angel spoke to them, " Do not be afraid; Jesus has risen."

5.3.4. The women told the disciples, but they did not believe at first.

5.3.5. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene

6. S.V.P.

6.1. Founder - Frederic Ozanam 1820-130s

6.1.1. University in Paris

6.1.2. Roman Catholic

6.1.3. "I'm tired of talking. Let's act." Inspiring Vision

6.1.4. Helped the poor SVP!!

6.2. Work of S.V.P.

6.2.1. Home visits

6.2.2. Money Management

6.2.3. Hospital/Prison Visits

6.2.4. Homework Clubs

6.2.5. Meals on Wheels

6.2.6. Hostels

6.3. Commitment

6.3.1. Christian beliefs into action

6.3.2. One afternoon/ evening a week helping

6.3.3. Attending meetings

6.4. Leadership

6.4.1. National Council

6.4.2. Regional Councils

6.4.3. Area Councils

6.4.4. Local Conferences

7. Sectarianism

7.1. Northern Ireland

7.1.1. Violence and death 3500 killed

7.1.2. May 1969 - The Troubles

7.1.3. 1998 - Good Friday Agreement

7.1.4. Divided Communities Fearful Hatred

7.1.5. Catholics vs Protestants

7.1.6. COMMUNITY BREAKDOWN! Disruption in group due to lack of communication, co-operation etc

7.2. Hatred of people due to religion

8. Ecumenism

8.1. Corrymeela

8.1.1. Tolerance between Catholics and Protestants

8.1.2. Christian community

8.1.3. Rev. Ray Davey - founder - 1960s

8.1.4. Talking about differences and similarities in relaxed and calm manner

8.1.5. Try to keep up understanding when return home

8.2. Taize

8.2.1. FRANCE

8.2.2. Brother Roger Schultz - founder - 1940s

8.2.3. All Christians

8.2.4. Work for Christian Unity

8.2.5. Ecumenical services Prayers and chants

8.2.6. Try to keep up understanding when return home


8.4. Christian Unity Week

8.5. Ecumenical services

8.5.1. Prayers

8.5.2. Hymns

8.5.3. Bible readings

8.5.4. Sermon or homily

9. Religious groups

9.1. Pharisees

9.1.1. God's law, not Roman's law

9.1.2. Yes Messiah - a King who would establish a peaceful Palestine free from foreign rule

9.2. Sadducees

9.2.1. Roman rule - best for all, really

9.2.2. No Messiah

9.3. Zealots

9.3.1. Romans out! No surrender

9.3.2. Yes Messiah - brave warrior who would drive the Romans out

9.4. Essenes

9.4.1. Roman rule? We're out!

9.4.2. N Messiah

10. Parables and Miracles

10.1. Parable

10.1.1. A short story told by Jesus to teach people about the Kingdom of God

10.1.2. A simple story with an underlying message

10.1.3. Ordinary, everyday things Easy to understand and remember

10.1.4. The Lost Sheep

10.1.5. The Mustard Seed

10.1.6. The Sower

10.1.7. The Good Samaritan

10.2. Miracle

10.2.1. Healing Miracles The Blind Man, Bartimaeus

10.2.2. Expelling Miracles The Boy With the Evil Spirit

10.2.3. Nature Miracles Calming A Storm

10.2.4. Raising Miracles Jairus' Daughter

11. Kingdom of God

11.1. Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God using parables to explain

11.2. Heaven on Earth

11.3. Everyone would love God and one another

11.4. Its is found in the goodness of people's hearts