1. References
1.1. Get students to think creatively to support their thinking on Fieldwork placement. Creative thinking is about the ability to look at problems and situations from a new lens in order to generate new ideas and provide appropriate solutions (Sternberg 1999).
1.1.1. Formative or summative assessments that promote group work can: create a safe environment for students to integrate and participate, help students get to know each other, build a group – not an audience, allow different styles of contribution to be valued. (Rodriguez-Falcon, Evans, Allam, Barrett & Forrest, 2010, p.21) Student-Centred learning and instruction are a positive environment that promote and create multiple experiences for knowledge construction (Land and Hannafin 2000).
1.2. Critical thinking is complex and involves paying attention to detail, making judgements, selecting relevant information during observation and thinking reflectively (Cottrell 2005). These skills are very important for occupational therapists and students need to begin to develop these skills. Overall, it is an essential skill for both academic and professional achievement.
1.2.1. Problem-based learning - students working in small groups to solve authentic problems. This notion reflects an occupational therapist working in a multi-disciplinary team. The teacher acts as a facilitator in problem-based learning. “The required knowledge and skills are achieved in the process of solving authentic problems” (Barrows 1996).
2. Learning Environment
2.1. Learners have enough room to work in but not areas to move about or split of into groups unless at their desks. Students can hear easily There is suitable lighting White boards and projector screens are at the front of the class and able to be viewed by all students facing the same way only. No technology is available to students unless they bring their own.
2.2. Currently a didactic environmental style
2.3. Need to ensure there is suitable access to a wheelchair user at all times.
2.4. Students are not always able to spread out in a group when completing group activities due to space and limited availability to other classrooms
2.5. Technology does not always cooperate well and there can be difficulties with internet connection.
3. Tertiary Teaching Context
3.1. Subject area: Occupational Therapy
3.2. Health professional expectation and high expectation of professional standards.
3.3. Use theory and practical equipment
3.4. academic paper to support vocational placement
4. Blended Learning
4.1. Definition: Learning through a blend of modes including face to face, online, authentic work experiences and student managed learning.
4.2. Small tutorial groups
4.3. use of Moodle for further learning opportunities
4.4. Online activities in their own time - Student managed learning
4.5. role play to simulate authentic work experiences
4.6. Flipped classrooms - engage in online learning/resources prior to classroom, apply learnt knowledge in the classroom
5. Experiential Learning
5.1. Definition: Learning through reflecting on experience within the context of programmes and courses.
5.2. Develop reflection and critical thinking skills. What, so what, now what
5.3. Meaningful activities that initate the experiential learning process
6. Learner needs / other needs to consider
6.1. The students complete a VARK questionnaire at the beginning of the course. The variety of the students learning needs were identified as kinesthetic.
6.1.1. Consider role playing and tactile activities
6.2. The majority of the demographic are between 18-24 years old. The minority are mature students and a even smaller minority are male.
6.3. Through the enrollment process students have the opportunity to acknowledge and identify their ethnicity. It has come to our attention that not all people correctly identify their ethnicity on these enrolment forms for whatever personal reasons. Currently Maori and pacific island students are a minority with around 2% enrolments, NZ European 97% and 1% Chinese.
6.3.1. I need to be aware that the belief of being a ‘good student’ differs across cultures Na 2012 states “ students in collective cultures are more accustomed to listening quietly and taking notes, and are not used to collaborative problem-based learning”(p. 12).
6.4. All students have to meet a particular entry criteria. Therefore there is an expectation that the students literacy, and numeracy skills are of a reasonable to high standard. Must submit a cover letter which outlines the skills and knowledge the student feels they have that will be of benefit in this career. Must provide a current Level 2 First Aid Certificate and a medical examination report. Must provide recommendations of suitability from two referees who are not family members or friends. Must have a minimum NCEA level 3, or equivalent.
6.5. Some students do have specific learning abilities and these students are supported through Student Success - organisational service.
6.6. Every student brings differing personalities which creates a variety of group dynamics. Some students work better in smaller groups, others work better in larger groups or per individual work. Students learn about their own personality traits in comparison to their peers in another academic paper alongside this course.
6.7. All students have good computer literacy skills, this is part of the entrance criteria and further support is offered to those who feel they require it. Education is provided on the required organisational management systems such as Moodle. therefore there is an expectation all students can use these to a reasonable to high standard.
6.8. This course in particular has a high number of self directed and learner directed study time. Learners have chosen to engage in this course due to a passion or willingness to become an occupational therapist. Therefore, majority of the students are motivated to learn and engage in class material.
6.8.1. As a lecturer I need to be aware of student’s sociocultural beliefs and the learning context as together these can affect a student’s motivational state and cognitive engagement (Na, 2012). Simply, in a classroom with a variety of sociocultural traits, as a lecturer I need explicitly explain the expectations of the learning environment
6.9. 25 Students per class
7. Organsiation / Institution
7.1. Learning and teaching Strategic Framework (2016)
7.1.1. Gives effect to Otago Polytechnic's overarching strategic direction by setting a philosophy and strategic objectives for learning and teaching. Vision: Our graduates make a significant difference in their workplaces and in their communities. Mission: We ensure that every learner enjoys an outstanding and successful learning experience that develops them to be capable, work ready, future focused, sustainable practitioners.
7.2. Sustainable Practice Stragetic Framework (2013)
7.2.1. Vision Our vision is to lead as a socially responsible and sustainable organization, and to educate for a sustainable future. A holistic approach to sustainability that includes the concepts of environmental, social, political and economic sustainability Reduce paper printing consumption. Encourage students to use online resources such as Google Docs when completing group work. Assignments handed in electronically rather than hardcopy.
7.3. Maori Strategic Framework (2013)
7.3.1. This Framework has been developed to articulate Kai Tahu/Māori aspirations for tertiary education. The Framework represents a Treaty based model established on partnership, with the intention of building a tertiary system where Māori students are encouraged and supported to succeed. Encourage and support students to feel comfortable and supported to use Te Reo Maori, including completing assignments in Maori. Priority One: Treaty of Waitangi This priority area reflects an on-going commitment by Otago Polytechnic to its Treaty of Waitangi partner – Kai Tahu (through the MOU). Use Te Reo Maori Language within the classroom environment I have completed Level 3 certificate in Te Reo Maori I have attended and supported students to attend both year one and year three Hui with students. Runaka/Tikaka knowledge upheld, acknowledged and learned. Priority Three: Kai Tahu/Māori Students This priority area reflects the desire for increased recruitment, access, participation, retention, development and success of Kai Tahu/Māori students at Otago Polytechnic. As a lecturer I am able to inform appropriate staff of those who identify as Maori that are not attending class Priority Four: Kai Tahu/Māori Programmes This priority area reflects the development of quality programmes in Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori and other robust Kaupapa Māori options. As a lecturer, I have completed the Treaty of Waitangi Training provided by Otago Polytechnic Priority Five: Inclusive Learning Environments. This priority expresses the need for Otago Polytechnic to reflect Kai Tahu/Māori expectation of access to and acquisition of knowledge. This shall also include te reo me ōna tikaka Māori among staff and students on campus Not allowing students to mix kai with knowledge: no eating in class. provide opportunities for group learning Greet students in Te Reo Maori Ensure tikaka Maori is part of our celebrations and ceremonies