A Changing Role

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A Changing Role by Mind Map: A Changing Role

1. Al-Qaeda

1.1. Al-Qaeda was an Islamic organization.It was a group that supported the extremist during the Soviet Occupation back in the 1980s

2. Geroge W. Bush

2.1. He was the 43rd president.

3. Department of Homeland Security

3.1. It was created after the 9/11 attacks. It's a federal government that's protects public security

4. Transportation Security Administration

4.1. Ift is a system that was formed after 9/11 to strengthen the security of any transportation.

5. September 11 attacks

5.1. War on Terror

5.1.1. A military campaign that started after 9/11. They use the term to argue Political Struggle against terrorist groups

5.2. A group of attacks that were done by al-Oaeda on the morning of September 11 killing over 2000 people.

6. USA Patriot Act

6.1. The full tilts of this is Uniting and Strengthening American by Providing Aprropriate Tools Required o Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.It allows investigators to use the tools that were available to investigate drug trafficking and crimes