3.8 Control of Gene Expression

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3.8 Control of Gene Expression by Mind Map: 3.8 Control of Gene Expression

1. Recombinant DNA Technology

1.1. Obtaining DNA

1.1.1. cDNA

1.1.2. Restriction Enzymes

1.1.3. Gene Machine

1.2. Amplifying DNA

1.2.1. In vitro - PCR

1.2.2. In vivo - Bacteria

2. The Genome and Medicine

2.1. Genome Sequencing

2.1.1. 100,000 Genomes

2.2. DNA Probes

2.3. Genetic Counselling and Personalised Medicine

3. Genetic Fingerprinting

3.1. VNTRs

3.2. Electrophoresis

4. Mutation

4.1. Replication Errors

4.1.1. Addition

4.1.2. Substitution

4.1.3. Deletion

4.1.4. Substitution

4.1.5. Inversion

4.1.6. Duplication

4.1.7. Translocation

4.2. Effect on Triplet Code

5. Cell Differentiation

5.1. Totipotent

5.2. Pluripotent

5.3. Unipotent

5.3.1. e.g. cardiomyocytes

5.4. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

5.4.1. e.g. blood stem cells

6. Regulation of Gene Expression

6.1. Transcription Factors

6.2. Epigenetic Factors

6.2.1. methylation

6.2.2. acetylation

6.3. RNAi

7. Gene Expression and Cancer

7.1. Tumour Suppressor Genes

7.2. Oncogenes

7.3. Oetstrogen