Being Environmentally Friendly With All Backgrounds!

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Being Environmentally Friendly With All Backgrounds! by Mind Map: Being Environmentally Friendly With All Backgrounds!

1. Domestic Energy Consumption

1.1. Converting to renewable energy vs. Reducing amount of energy used

1.1.1. At what income level does solar energy become an affordable option?

2. Recycling

2.1. What materials are most frequently recycled?

2.2. Determine why people don't recycle.

2.2.1. Where is recycling not picked up? Why?

2.2.2. What would make people more likely to recycle?

3. Composting

3.1. Determine why people don't compost.

3.1.1. What would make people more likely to compost?

4. Transportation Methods

4.1. Cars: Hybrid, Electric

4.1.1. Who are these feasible options for (most likely upper middle class and upper class)?

4.2. Biking

4.2.1. Who is this a feasible option for (income and location)?

4.3. Public Transportation: Buses, Trains

4.3.1. Where is this a feasible option? Who is most likely to utilize it? How can we make it a more appealing option?