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Unit 6 by Mind Map: Unit 6

1. Regrets and wishes

1.1. I/we

1.1.1. should have + past participle We should have been faster

1.1.2. Shouldn't have +past participle We shouldn't have been so good

1.2. I wish

1.2.1. I could / would I could have done a better map

1.2.2. I( past perfect) I have done my best

1.2.3. He (past simple) We did the best map

2. Expect somebody to do something

2.1. Want/would like/expect + someone + to + base verbale

2.1.1. I expect my mental map to be the best one

3. Reproaches, regrets and wishes

3.1. Reproaches

3.1.1. reproache /blame somebody for+ We reproache some people for being jalous of our map

3.1.2. Be in present (with) always The other are always jalous of us!

3.1.3. Should/ shouldn't have +past participle

4. Indirect speech

4.1. Declarative setence

4.1.1. Maude :"our mental map is the best" > Maude said that our mental map was the best

4.2. Imperative setence

4.2.1. Anthony:" You must love our map!" > Anthony ordered the teacher to love our map

4.3. Interrogative setence

4.3.1. WITH YES OR NO QUESTION , Sarah: "Do you like our map ?" > Sarah asked the teacher if she liked her map

4.3.2. WUTH WHEN WHO WHAT, The teacher : "who did this amazing mental map?" > The teacher asked who did this amazing mental map