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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Recording

1.1. Assessment Strategies

1.1.1. Observations

1.1.2. Performance assessments

1.1.3. Process-focused assessments

1.1.4. Selected responses

1.1.5. Open-ended tasks

1.2. Assessment Tools

1.2.1. Rubrics

1.2.2. Exemplars

1.2.3. Checklists

1.2.4. Anecdotal records

1.2.5. Continuums

1.3. Documentation

1.3.1. Portfolios

2. Reporting:

2.1. Conferences

2.1.1. Teacher-Student

2.1.2. Teacher-Parent

2.1.3. Student-led

2.1.4. Three-way: Parent-Teacher-Student

2.2. Written Report

2.2.1. The learner profile is addressed

2.2.2. The transdisciplinary units and the subject-specific teaching are included

2.2.3. All teachers involved in the student's progress have an opportunity to comment.

2.2.4. All the essential elements of the programme are included.

2.3. The exhibition in grade 5 PYP

2.3.1. 5 essential elements Knowledge Concepts Skills Attitudes Action

3. Assessing:

3.1. Assessments are Effective for Students, Teachers and Parents

3.1.1. Formative assessment Provides information, used in order to plan the next stage in learning

3.1.2. Summative assessments Culmination of the teaching and learning process, students can show what they learned.

4. FEEDBACK on the learning process.