Perinatal Competency Framework - Scope of project for Objectivity

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Perinatal Competency Framework - Scope of project for Objectivity by Mind Map: Perinatal Competency Framework - Scope of project for Objectivity

1. SSO

1.1. Job role data

1.1.1. The e-LfH Hub doesn't hold detailed enough job role data in the field of perinatal mental health, so the job roles for the competency framework tool will be held in the tool itself and the user will select this when they enter the tool. Therefore, job role data is not relevant to any conversation around SSO

1.2. Location data

1.2.1. Solution for Objectivity: We will send them the NHS Code for the primary place of work as stored in the Hub user profle (e.g. E82038 for Simon's local GP Practice). Objectivity will need to hold the ODS data so that they can inspect the NHS code and crossreference it back to derive the location in a meaningful text string and also navigate back up the location hierarchy as required. Jeremy can provide them with some assets and explain to them how to do this. If we wanted to include job role data in the SSO process, then it would require changes to the scope of SSO. Import Process We need to investigate whether Objectivity can download the data from ODS or whether the fact they are in Poland will cause difficulties. Or use an FTP bin This should be an automated import, no manual process, where the ftp client in the perinatal competency framework tool pulls the data and preps it for import then imports it. This will require a change to the scope of the SSO to include that NHS Code. What happens if the user's job role changes in the Hub (e.g. they get promoted in the real world)? How does the CF tool handle it?

1.3. System roles to differentiate between normal user and HEE Manager

1.4. Open ID vs OpenAuth

1.4.1. OpenID is for users coming in to the Hub, such as CPPE

1.4.2. OpenAuth is for users authenticating from the Hub to other systems

1.4.3. But they use shared dlls, so they are interlinked even though they are separate technologies Simon is investigating alternative dlls from other sources. These are 'under the hood' changes, so shouldn't really affect Objectivity.

1.4.4. Current status is that we will work with OpenAuth for now and we can provide access to the text harness to Objectivity.

2. Print function - what should be printable?

2.1. Whatever is displayed on screen will be printed (but formatted for print, obviously). Therefore, if i have selected a filter to show my current job role's competences, then those competences are the ones that should be displayed.

3. How Job Role is stored and used?

3.1. Is the relationship user-competence or is it user-job role-competence?

3.1.1. Job Role is a means of filtering the full list of competences e.g. by displaying the competences on my current job role, or the job that I'm aspiring to or any other job role. If no job role filter is selected, then the user sees the whole framework. There should be a screen control to toggle the presentation of the submission buttons/fields so that they can be hidden easily making it easier to scroll through the framework.

3.1.2. Job Role is also an attribute in the user profile that can be used in reporting or to analyse the data once it has been entered and collated.

3.1.3. The user should be free to complete any competence. They should not be constrained to only complete the competences that are mapped against their job role.

3.1.4. When the HEE Manager runs a report, it is a snapshot of the data at that time. This is a question for Becky. If a user has half-completed filling in competences, should that half-done submission be included in reporting? Do we need a concept of 'finishing' the submission? If so, how does this work? Is it a screen control that is always visible to the user? If we do have the concept of being 'finished' then what happens when a user comes back to the framework in e.g. 2 years time and starts updating the framework. Does their 'finished' status become invalid? If we don't have a finish button, then it becomes an ongoing record of that user's levels of competence that can vary and fluctuate over time. Any time a report is run off, it is an accurate snapshot of that period in time only.

4. On Hold Time

4.1. They will restart work on 12 June

5. Viewing the whole framework

5.1. There is a use case where