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CaseComp by Mind Map: CaseComp

1. game service

1.1. target cell phone platform as opposed to console/pc/portable, "According to NPD, the dedicated videogame market made an estimated $6.5 billion on software last year alone. With over a billion phones shipped in 2006, is it any surprise that analysts regularly predict that the mobile game market will eventually hit $10 billion a year in the near future?",

1.1.1. "In-Stat predicted that smartphone sales will grow at a rate of more than 30 percent a year for the next five years. This is much faster than the overall cell phone market, which is growing in the single digits."

1.2. traditional phones support only sandboxed applications i.e. java games

1.3. emerging smart phones can support third party applications: niche market for cell phone games

1.4. first smart phone designed by IBM called Simon

1.5. 1. IBM to provide a network service for cell phone games like for pc games and PSN for PS3 games

1.5.1. IBM already has cloud computing infrastructure (nov 2007 "Blue Cloud"), right now only support for Power and x86 processors, 200 researchers,,,

1.5.2. future competition: amazon/google, but they don't provide cloud computing service for game industry, especially not cell phones,

1.6. 2. IBM also to provide middleware for multi cell phone os to use this service i.e. symbian, palm, rim <show flow diagram here>

1.6.1. problem: not many smart phones support java VM, makes middleware production/support difficult

1.6.2. benefits: cuts cost for third party cell phone game developers, paves path for cell phone games to become 3d/mmo, establish partnership with cell phone manufacturers (motorola, sony ericsson etc.)

1.7. future competition: nokia n-gage (came out oct 2003), but right now they are only using bluetooth between device-device, not client-server,

2. Introduction

2.1. Slide 1: Title slide. Introduce team members.

2.2. Slide 2: Talk about the growth of the video game industry. How strong the market is comparing to other entertainment industries such like movie and music.

2.3. Slide 3: Continue showing that the video game industry is worth going into and giving data on number of games were sold and the profit from game sales.

3. Conclusion

4. Motion Sensor

4.1. XBox 360 and PS3 (cell processor - 3 3.2G symmetric cores CPU, full HD 1080p support)

4.1.1. 14.41 million of PS3 sold since Nov 2006 (Supplemental Information for Q1 FY2008 Earnings. Sony Corporation)

4.1.2. 19 million of XBox sold since Nov 2005 (Microsoft News Release)

4.2. Wii

4.2.1. 29.62 million sold WW since Nov 2006 ("Consolidated Financial Highlights" (PDF) 11. Nintendo (2008-07-30).)

4.2.2. 729 MHz Broadway Microprocessor, no HD support

4.3. It is an era that creativity and innovation trumps performance.

4.4. Company

4.4.1. Cell BE processor - between FPGA and CPU, ideal for this task.

5. game engine (backup idea)