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1. Full metal Jacket by stanley kubrick

2. WHAT?

2.1. The desires, wants, and thinking of the majority of the people – or the collective opinion of the people of a society or state on an issue or problem – is called public opinion.

3. can be influenced by...

3.1. Economy

3.1.1. Germany in the 30's, inflation and unemployment leading to the rise of the Nationalist party


3.3. Media

3.3.1. Intensify own good

3.3.2. downplay others good

3.3.3. down play own bad

3.3.4. Intensify others bad

3.3.5. Mainstream medias like the MURDOCH PRESS or TV /Radio/ films

4. can be seen through

4.1. Protest

4.1.1. Pentagon riots in 1967

4.2. Art

4.2.1. photography A Viet Cong prisoner captured during Cape Batangan battle awaits transfer to a US POW compound in 1965. Paul Schutzer—The LIFE Picture Colleciton/Getty Images Jan Rose Kasmir confronts the American National Guard outside the Pentagon during the 1967 anti-Vietnam march in Washing... VIEW MORE Marc Riboud—Magnum Photos South Vietnamese forces follow after terrified children, including 9-year-old girl after an aerial napalm attack. Nick Ut—AP

4.2.2. songs Bob dylans songs

4.2.3. films

4.3. Public opinion polls

5. can influence:

5.1. economy

5.1.1. consumerist trend recent return to organic food because of too much pollution and health reasons rise of consumerism shopping centers and chain restaurants like Mc donalds

5.2. politicians

5.2.1. BREXIT partly due to immigration issues or in 1962 commonwealth immigrations act restricting immigration due to public opinion

6. Falkland war

6.1. instrumentalisation of the medias by "maggie"

6.1.1. contributed significantly to improving Mrs thatcher's popularity just in time for the 1983 elections

6.1.2. image of protector of the UK and argument for national sovereignty. News coverage of crowds sending off the ships generated patriotism among the british and popularity for thatcher who'd struck a nostalgic chord concerning empire and refusal of continued decline.

6.2. Kelvin Mackenzie's editor of the Sun between 1981 and 1994 (highest circulation &in britain) "Kelvin's war", falkland coverage was xenophobic, bloody-minded and black-humored according to the guardian.

6.3. the sinking of the belgrano was celebrated on the front page of the british tabloid "the sun"with the headline "GOTCHA: our ladd sink gunboat and whole cruiser"

6.3.1. The american magazine Newsweek headline was "the empire strikes back playing on the double meaning of the starters movie

7. Vietnam War

7.1. Anti war feeling and protests grew stronger and reached their height in 1968/1670. was linked to media coverage of the war

7.2. failure of the "moral crusade against communism". Atrocities committed by American soldiers and the use of chemical weapons damaged the USA's reputation

7.3. government did not have the support of its own people

7.3.1. public opinion won as US withdrew

8. When:

8.1. political crisis

8.1.1. vietnam war and falkland's war

8.2. elections

8.2.1. tony blair new labour the press was convinced, traditionally pro-conservative it swung in favor of New labour providing the greatest election publicity of all time thanks to the MURDOCH PRESS (The Sun, agreement between Murdoch and Tony Blair for support)

8.2.2. the Numerous financial scandals targeting F.Fillon during the 2017 french election

8.2.3. Thatcher reelection in 1983

8.3. origins

8.3.1. The English term "public opinion" dates back to the seventeenth century work by John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, which contains an early consideration of the importance of public opinion in the ordering of politics

9. why?

9.1. important in DEMOCRACY

9.1.1. Support/put pressure on governments financial or moral reasons

9.2. useless during dictatorship