1. Oil
1.1. Hair Brush
1.1.1. 1 Year If your hair brush gets all gross and you're done with it, you can use it as a back scratcher or you can make it a brush for a pet
1.2. Computer
1.2.1. 3 years Turn the brightness down on your computer to save electricity and bring your computer to a place like Best Buy so they can use the parts
1.3. Phone Charger
1.3.1. 2 years Unplug your phone charger from the wall when you aren't using it
1.4. Alarm Clock
1.4.1. 4 years Instead of slamming your alarm clock every morning to turn it off, just press the off button so it will last longer
1.5. Razor
1.5.1. 2 months Use a razor that you can change the head for you you don't need to throw the whole razor away when you're done with it
1.6. Headphones
1.6.1. 1 year Buy the more expensive headphones so the last longer
2. Water
2.1. Shampoo
2.1.1. 1 month Instead of buying a lot of small shampoo bottles buy big bottles from BJ's
2.2. Shower
2.2.1. 1 day Take shorter showers and use less hot water
2.3. Contacts
2.3.1. 2 weeks Wear glasses more often so you won't need to throw out your contacts so soon
2.4. Contact Solution
2.4.1. 2 months Instead of filling the contact case to the top only use the necessary amount
2.5. Eyeliner
2.5.1. 2 months Instead of putting a lot of eyeliner on everyday only use a little
3. Sand
3.1. Glasses
3.1.1. 1 year Donate your glasses to your eye doctor so they can reuse the frames
3.2. Ipod
3.2.1. 3 years Give your old one to the apple store so they can use the old parts
3.3. Mirror
3.3.1. 10 years When your mirror breaks or you need a new one, use the old one to make a mosaic art project
3.4. Television
3.4.1. 6 years Don't leave the TV on when you aren't watching it
4. Trees
4.1. Paper Towels
4.1.1. 4 months Use towels instead of paper towel to clean up messes and only use paper towel when necessary
4.2. Pencil
4.2.1. 1 week Use mechanical pencil to save trees
4.3. Books
4.3.1. 1 month Borrow books from a library instead of actually buying them to save paper
4.4. Notebook paper
4.4.1. 1 year Use both sides of the paper and use all the space on both sides
4.5. Binders
4.5.1. 1 year Don't buy new binders every year and only get them when you can't use your old ones anymore
5. Silver
5.1. Necklace
5.1.1. 1 year After I don't want to wear it anymore I can give it to a jeweler and they can make a new necklace
5.2. Silverware
5.2.1. 5 years Instead of using plastic silverware, use actual silverware to reduce waste
6. Cow or Pig
6.1. Shoes
6.1.1. 1 year Don't get a new pair every year and when you don't fit in them anymore pass them down to a younger sibling or give them away
6.2. Softball glove
6.2.1. 1 year Instead of getting a different glove every year use the same glove until you hand is too big for it and then give it to someone else
7. Cotton
7.1. Socks
7.1.1. 6 months If your socks get a hole in them, take all your socks with holes in them and make a toy for your dog to play with
7.2. T-Shirt
7.2.1. 4 months When you don't like your shirt anymore or it doesn't fit, use it as a rag or you can use the cloth to make something like a quilt
7.3. Pants
7.3.1. 4 months Use old jeans that you don't want to wear anymore and make then jean shorts