Youth Suicide in New Zealand

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Youth Suicide in New Zealand by Mind Map: Youth Suicide in New Zealand

1. Guidelines

1.1. Anything goes!

1.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

1.3. The Wilder The Better

1.4. Quantity is Quality

1.5. Set a Time Limit


2.1. Relatikonships

2.1.1. Breakups

2.1.2. Quarrel

2.1.3. Burden

2.2. Work

2.2.1. Stress

2.3. Mental Disorder

2.3.1. Crazy

2.3.2. Depression

2.3.3. Lonely

3. Methods

3.1. Alone

3.1.1. Wrist Cutting

3.1.2. Hanging

3.1.3. Poisoning

3.1.4. Sleeping Pills

3.1.5. Charcoal burning

4. Solution

4.1. Campaigns

4.1.1. Speaking at Schools

4.1.2. Public

4.2. Advertisement

4.2.1. Television

4.2.2. Newspaper

4.2.3. Radio

4.2.4. Social Media

4.3. Counselling

4.3.1. Parents

4.3.2. Siblings

4.3.3. Friends

4.3.4. Public

5. Introduction

5.1. Contributing Factors

5.2. Ethnicity

5.3. Gender

5.4. Preventions