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Social Issues by Mind Map: Social Issues

1. Marriage

1.1. Homosexual

1.1.1. United States approves Gay Marriages

1.2. Heterosexual

1.2.1. Arranged Marriages & Transactions

1.3. Divorce

1.3.1. unreasonable behaviour of spouse

1.3.2. Neglect & Irresponsibility

1.3.3. Living Apart/Separated for >3years

1.3.4. money pressures

1.3.5. increasing number of divorce rates

1.3.6. rise in single-parent families 1971-2003: proportion of lone-parent househouse x2

2. Racial Issues

2.1. Genocides

2.1.1. Rwanda, 1994

2.1.2. Holocaust, 1942

2.2. Racial Discrimination

2.2.1. The Apartheid System

2.2.2. Melbourne, Australia

2.3. Racial Harmony

2.3.1. Malays' Protectionist Policy

2.3.2. Racial Harmony Day

3. Gender

3.1. Women's Rights

3.1.1. first call: 1972 book-> Vindication of the Rights of Women

3.2. Ubersexual

3.3. Metrosexual

4. Society

4.1. Societal Norms

4.1.1. Reserving tables with Tissue Paper & other paraphernalia

4.1.2. Rampant use of Singlish

4.2. Societal Values

4.2.1. Conservative Culture

4.2.2. Respect For Elders

4.2.3. Elitism

4.2.4. "Kiasu" Culture

5. Youth

5.1. Political Ampathy

5.2. Declining Respect for Elders

5.3. Declining Resilience

5.4. Increasing rates of Youth Crime

6. Crime

6.1. crime rate in Sg down by 4.5%

6.1.1. Public Awareness Campaigns

6.1.2. New Media SPF Facebook YouTube Razor TV i-programme

6.2. Capital Punishment

6.2.1. Drug-Trafficking Offenders

6.2.2. Murder-related Offences

6.2.3. Arms Offences Act

6.3. Corporal Punishment

6.3.1. Pros Quick & Efficient Low Costs of Upkeep Deters Unruliness

6.3.2. Cons Lowers Self-Esteem Instills Hostility