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Philosophy in Psychiatry создатель Mind Map: Philosophy in Psychiatry

1. Ethics

1.1. What is morally right or wrong

1.2. Autonomy

1.3. Power

2. Study of incorporeal things

2.1. How the mind is derived from the brain?

2.2. Phenomenology of mental life (Jaspers)

2.3. Mental products

2.3.1. Beliefs

2.3.2. Suffering

2.3.3. Thoughts

2.3.4. Emotions

3. Links to psychodynamic theory

3.1. The Matrix

3.2. Self-discovery

4. Law

4.1. Legal philosophy

5. 'Pre-paradigmatic state'

5.1. awareness of limitations of psychiatry

5.2. better grasp on what psychopathology is and where it comes from

6. Metaphysics

6.1. The nature of being (ontology)

6.1.1. Self

6.1.2. Interactionism

6.2. Mind-body issues

7. Epistemology

7.1. How knowledge is obtained

7.2. Empiricism

7.3. Measurement

7.4. Truth

7.5. Managing reductionism

7.6. Nosology